Hope you read my earlier post, and told your friends about it. If you tell 10 friends, each of them in turn tells 10, and so on, it only takes 6 iterations to reach 1 million people (10 to the 6 power). This is a significant number of people!
This is one of those times that tempts us to think that because the problem(s) are so huge, there is nothing that little old me can do about it. Well, let's scrap that thinking. There are things you (and I) can and must do. First, read and FORWARD this email. Second, begin to educate yourself. Go on YouTube and look for Chris Mortenson, then watch his videos and read what he has to say. Then look at all the other videos etc that come up along with it. Read some books. I will shortly send you a must-read list, two of which are particularly important: Prescription for the Planet (Tom Blees), Fossil Fools (Joseph Shuster). If you read these, you will realize that the problems that we have are very solvable. All that stands in the way is the government. Yeah, I know, we're all busy. Sorry, but that's no excuse. This is so important that it trumps everything.
Third, we have to exert our power as consumers, and just flat stop buying from the companies that ignore and/or exacerbate our problems. Consumer power speaks very loudly in the US of A. Please do NOT purchase anything from any of the following companies, which are ignoring the problem and, worse, actively engaged in trying to downplay it and hide it from us:
Exxon-Mobil. Let's drive them right out of business. Use BP/Amoco or Shell instead, b/c they are making efforts in the right direction (not fast enough, and not intense enough, but in the right direction). Please do not buy any gasoline from Exxon-Mobil, no matter how cheap it is. Also don't buy the generic stuff b/c probably most of it comes from Exxon-Mobil. And don't believe their glorious tv ads about making hydrogen from oil. That's an absolute dead end.
Don't buy any more gas guzzling vehicles, and as soon as you can get rid of the ones you have. This will mean buying Japanese, and not American. Nothing that gets less than 35 mpg should be allowed on the road. There are good hybrids, well worth the price, and even fully electric cars now. I'm afraid that Ford, GM, and Chrysler are hopelessly out of it, and do not deserve to any longer be in business. If you stop buying from them, they will get the message and start following the example of the Japanese.
Don't buy anything that is encased in multiple layers of plastic, which you just throw away (come on, admit it--you don't recycle it!). It goes immediately back into the environment where it will sit undecomposed for millenia, crapping up our oceans, lakes, rivers, parks... And just where does all this plastic come from, anyway? You guessed it! Tell me, why does a box of tea have to be encased in plastic on the outside, then inside there is another plastic wrapper, then each tea bag is individually wrapped in plastic! Unbelievable, and a pain in the butt to open when you must have that tea in the morning.
Fourth, write a bunch of letters to your newspaper. The media is doing a very poor job of educating the public about the major problems that we face. Why? Because if they start connecting severe weather events (admit it--there have been an awful lot of them lately) with climate change, they will lose their advertising revenues from the companies causing the problems. These are big revenues. There are numerous documented examples of news organizations that have essentially been told to shut up or else. Get email addresses for the meteorologists on your local TV channels and bombard them with email. Enough email will get a reaction.
Enough to do for now? Great, please go do it, starting with forwarding this to at least 10 of your most important people.
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