We need a new political party with a platform of fundamental reasonableness and fairness. I propose we call it the "Party of Reason". I've started a platform with a few planks below. Please add planks in your comments.
Platform for the Party of Reason
1) All planks adopted by the party shall meet fundamental standards of reason and fairness.
2) Candidates for office in the US House of Representatives, US Senate, and US Presidency shall under no circumstances spend in excess of $1 million during a campaign for office. No corporate or labor union campaign contributions of any kind may be accepted by any candidate.
3) Representatives shall be elected for a single term of 6 years.
4) Senators shall be elected for no more than 2 consecutive or non-consecutive terms of 6 years each.
5) The President shall be elected for a single term of 6 years.
6) Terms of representatives, senators, and the president shall be structured to be mutually offset by 2 years.
7) The congress shall pass a totally restructured system of income/payroll taxation, which shall be contained in a document no more than 10 pages in length and shall be worded in plain English. Features of the system shall be
a) No income tax shall be paid by anyone earning less than a specified low amount (for example, $10,000/year).
b) Incomes exceeding the minimum amount shall be taxed in slightly progressive fashion to a maximum of 50%. All income, including capital gains and dividends, shall be taxed at the same rate.
c) There shall be no exceptions (loopholes) for any individuals under any circumstances.
d) Corporations, according to their status as "persons", shall be taxed at a slightly progressive rate based on annual revenues, to a maximum of 35%.
e) There shall be no exceptions (loopholes) for any corporation under any circumstances.
f) The congress shall make appropriate changes in payroll taxation so as to restore the long-term solvency of the social security and medicare/medicaid programs.
8) Congress shall pass a program of universal, single-provider health care similar to those now operative in many European nations.
9) The US defense budget shall be reduced within 5 years to 30% of its current level. Savings shall be applied to programs benefiting citizens.
10) The Congress and President shall immediately begin to tackle problems of real substance: our gross overdependence on fossil fuels; the development of alternative energy sources; the building of generation IV nuclear power plants; global climate change.
11) The Congress shall immediately inact a carbon tax (fee) on all fossil fuels at the source. The fee shall be based on the carbon content of the fuel, and shall be structured as a percentage of the market value of the fuel. One-half of tax proceeds shall be returned to the citizens as dividends; the other half shall be used to fund alternative energy development. The carbon tax shall be incrementally increased each year, with the goal to completely eliminate fossil fuel use within 24 years (by 2025).
13) Adjust government employment ,including the military, to the private sector pay plans. Local, state, and county government employees should be included in this plan.
14)Foreign aid should be curtailed for at least 10 years until Americans can rebuild America.
Please add planks, or comment on those that I have generated.
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